Save Education With Technology
Save Education With Technology. With the use of the tech companies themselves, use their resources to create a better tech education system.
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This is a perfect opportunity for Canada and its education system to merge with the technology companies that students buy and use their products to unify and be the first technologically advanced based national education system.
Save Education With Tech
Therefore, I believe in both a social reconstruction and an existential philosophical approach to the education systems of Canada.
Social reconstructionism believes that social issues can be resolved through reconstructing and changing society.
Existentialism is the philosophical approach that stresses experiences and maintains that every student's needs are met to establish their meaning of existence.
Finally, technology can help students and teachers in the five crucial aspects of education: teaching others, knowledge, saving time, efficiency, and leverage—the foundation of our education system began in the late 1800s when Canada became a country.
In 1867, the British North America Act (BNA Act) was passed when Canada united.
The act that founded Canada when the nation unified was the birth of the school systems we see today.
The BNA Act would also be responsible for technology in the classroom.
Teachers in Canada would teach through blackboards, textbooks, reading and writing, writing with pencils and then pens to then learning typewriters, from the use of black and white text printers to the colour printing, then advancing to quicker printing with LaserJet tech, and of course the advancements in computing technologies.
Education and Technology
Education and technology together can advance the human race forward more efficiently.
We are currently experiencing advanced Tech in the classroom with things like cloud-based Tech, Augmented Reality (A.R.), Virtual Reality (V.R.), Artificial Intelligence (A.I.), 3D printing technology, and coding programs for elementary school through to college/university programming.
Whether invented a century ago or yesterday, this technology helps us in many education systems. For example, Tech enables the teacher's skills to help save time, building students' knowledge efficiently.
The knowledge one can inquire from our technology is infinite.
There are now libraries of information through electronic resources students can access anytime to learn almost anything they choose.
I believe the best ideas are trapped in books, and it is the student's job to find them. Therefore, students can gain more knowledge by writing papers than exams.
I still remember my experiences with Jim Carrey writing my first online research paper.
The grade 10 English teacher let us write a research paper on a person of our choice.
I chose my favourite actor and still remember his hardships with things like being bullied due to homelessness and later in life battling depression.
When a student is experiencing abuse and neglect at home, it can spill out into their school life, leading to bullying, anxiety, depression, and other mental illness.
1 in 5 People Have a Mental Illness
One in five students deals with some form of mental illness.
Children and youth deal with anxiety, depression (which can often lead to suicide/suicidal thoughts), and lacking self-esteem and self-confidence.
I believe in the former Italian physician Maria Montessori's (1870 – 1952) method, combining physical exercise and learning materials to develop the student's skills and knowledge.
She believed it could help children's physical, mental, and spiritual development.
We should take that advanced step and introduce mixed martial arts (MMA) as part of the curriculum from grades 1 - 12.
The best way to implement MMA is to make it first-class.
Exercise on a developing brain can dramatically lower mental health issues such as ADHD, depression, anxiety, and other mental health issues.
It teaches kids structure, respect, self-confidence and self-talk, better sleep, and a massive decrease in bullying.
In addition, MMA would allow students to focus on things they enjoy, like the newest and most remarkable technologies.
As more jobs are lost to artificial intelligence (A.I.) and other hardware and software, the need for better technology and more efficient tech education in classrooms is now more apparent than ever.
Lifetime of Success
The people who are in grade school and post-secondary schools are the ones who will need jobs in the future, and the way Tech is concerned, it better be them, or it will not be here.
As a human right, students should have the best technology available at the time to learn from. It may not happen in a year or two but think of how technology has advanced in just the last ten years.
In 2008, Apple took the intuitive to do the three-phase project called The Apple Classrooms of Tomorrow—Today (ACOT²).
The first part of the project looked at the development of six "essential design principles" for high schools in the 21st century: social and emotional connections with students, equal access to technology, a culture of creativity and innovation, understanding of 21st-century skills and outcomes, informative assessment, relevant and applied curriculum.
The second part of Apple's project provided online resources based on their six principles to high school students.
Finally, the third part developed what Apple calls "200 Days for a Lifetime of Success," a curriculum to upgrade nine students for success.
Canada is one of few developed countries in which there is no national system of education.
I believe this could be an opportunity for Canada, along with tech companies like Google, Apple, Samsung, Dell, Microsoft, Intel, Facebook, Twitter, and Amazon could help build Canada to be the first nation to set up an advanced technological education system run by not the government but the companies that make the software and hardware we use every day in schools and at home.
Big Technology Corporations
The big technology corporations use legal loopholes not to pay taxes.
This would be a humanitarian thing for them to pay for and set up a new education system.
The tech companies would then have proper technology available to teach the students and teachers.
The education system could be set up so the student, upon graduating high school, would have the skill set to work for one of these big tech companies. Perhaps the student would create their own company and be the next Steve Jobs or Steve Wozniak.
In 2020 and a few months into 2021 in Canada, I learned that civil rights could be taken away from us.
Remember how easily you were forced to stay inside and not see anyone in person besides those living in the household?
It may have seemed manageable or even insignificant to some, which is the thinking that leads to the end of societies.
I believe more people should be courageous enough to open their eyes, and they will see the world as is—as this environment is not designed for sincerity, you realize.
We may struggle if we bring things like sincerity into the situation.
The future is literally in your hands right now. Will we program a painless emergence with A.I. and become love robots, or will we take the Terminator-like path and create the artificial intelligence to end humanity?
The answer is love.